Sunday, July 14, 2024

Wednesday Daytime Meeting - July17 - Charity Quilt Backs

     Join us as we assemble some charity quilt backs from orphan blocks, larges rectangles, and leftovers.  We need sewing machines, a few irons and cutting boards, and lots of design ideas that come to you as you see what is on offer.  Work alone or in a group.  Many hands make light work and the results are always interesting!

    Meet at Pine Hill Lutheran Church at 1 PM.  Bring your Sew & Tell!  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

By-laws update

 These proposed changes were introduced at the June annual picnic and will be voted on at the July meeting.  

By-Law Proposed Changes for Centre Pieces Quilt Guild: June 1, 2024 

The By-Laws, as they currently read, are located on the CPQG website and in the back of the Green Book for reference. These proposed changes must be announced to the membership 30 days prior to voting whether to adopt them or not. Vote will be a verbal yes or no at the July 9, 2024 Tuesday evening meeting. Absentee votes are not taken and the changes must pass with 2/3 of the meeting attendance voting yes. 

 Proposed changes: Article 3: Membership, third paragraph in Section 2 - Dues and Privileges. Reads - “Full payment of dues is expected whenever joining membership from July through March. However dues will be assessed at 50% if joining in April or May.” 

 Change - The second sentence above will be stricken and instead read “Those considering membership during April and May may attend Guild meetings and defer payment of dues until June. They may participate in the June picnic once their dues are paid for membership.” 

Article 3: Membership, Section 3 - Guests Reads - Guests are invited to attend one monthly meeting without payment.” 

 Change - “Guests are invited to attend two monthly meetings without paying membership dues.” 

Article 5: Meeting, Section 3 - Management of Meetings 2 proposed changes in wording Reads - “Prior to a Board or monthly business meeting, an agenda and the immediate past meeting minutes should be presented to the membership by email and posted on the Guild website.” Also… in the next paragraph “A hard copy of the minutes will be available at the monthly business meeting.” 

 Change - … immediate past meeting minutes should be presented to the membership by posting them on the Guild website.” Also… eliminate having a hard copy of the minutes at the meeting and state “A copy of the past minutes is available on the CPQG website.”

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tuesday Evening Meeting - July 9th - Winning Youtube Videos

    Our Tuesday evening meeting has had a change of programming.  The presenter needed to reschedule, so the evening program will be "Winning YouTube Videos" from the voting at the picnic.  We will see a Missouri Star quilt tutorial on connecting stars with discussion afterwards and a short video on the difference between liquid spray product (Best Press, Acorn Starch, Terial Magic) which is quite informative.

    The meeting is at 6:30 with some social time before a 7 PM meeting start.  Location is Blue Course Community Church in State College.  Bring your Sew & Tell!