QB's is an informal sit & stitch, an opportunity to meet and socialize. Bring some handwork (quilting, knitting, etc) and enjoy the company of other quilters. There are tables if you need space to lay out and baste a quilt (don't forget your pins!). This group meets every Tuesday morning, come when you are able.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Quilting Bees - Tuesday Mornings 9:30 - Noon - St John's Church, Boalsburg
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Destash Sale at Our Lady of Victory - August 26-27
Several members are setting up tables next weekend at Our Lady of Victory for their yard sale as an opportunity to reduce their stashes (so they can buy more fabric...) Come and see what is for sale on Friday, 9-2 and Saturday 9-1. Our Lady of Victory Activities Center, 820 Westerly Parkway, State College.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Wednesday Daytime Meeting - August 17 - 1 PM - State College YMCA
This month's Wednesday meeting will be about transferring art to fabric and designing quilts. Learn how to get those pictures out of a drawer and onto a quilt. Bring examples of your work and your experiences. This is a more informal meeting for sharing techniques and ideas and an opportunity to ask questions. We meet at the YMCA the third Wednesday each month. Guests and new members are always welcome.
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Tuesday Evening Meeting - August 9 - 6:30 at State College YMCA
This month's meeting will be showcasing our members quilts. Bring your UFO challenge finished to whatever degree you agreed and get your $5 back. Bring any or all of the following to share (either the quilt or a photo of it):
Your first quilt
The quilt you learned the most from
Your favorite quilt
The ugliest quilt you made
Pictures and the stories of the quilts are important.
The meeting is held at the State College YMCA with social starting at 6:30, business meeting at 7, and program at 7:15. Guests and new members are always welcome.