3/23/2021 Polly says we should be outside getting our vitamin D while we socialize and Show and Tell so we’ll be at the Spring Creek Park off Houserville Rd near the ball fields. 10: to 12:-- Bring a chair and wear a mask.
We will also experiment with Zooming from the park with a
hotspot. This is an experiment and is not a promise of future
service. (You know how fickle technology can be.)
Topic: CPQG Online Show and Tell
Time: Mar 23, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82000856325?pwd=SmlHN290RTJtQVU2N0ovYkdmejVPdz09
Meeting ID: 820 0085 6325
Passcode: 288107
Save the dates June 8, July 13, August 10 for our “normal”
monthly membership meetings, second Tuesdays. We plan to have them outside in a
pavilion at a local park with a flush toilet. We’ll be masked and
distanced. We will end early enough that we shouldn’t have to drive home in the
dark. Please mark your calendars now. Times may depend on the
program, but it will be something like 7:00-8:15. Location to be
announced soon.