Join us on Tuesday, February 11th, to share your tips and tricks for getting and staying organized in your quilting room. Need some help? Maybe someone else has that idea you need to rein in the chaos! Social time starts at 6:30PM with the meeting beginning at 7PM. ZOOM link will be in Beth's Sunday email.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Sunday, January 19, 2025
From PeggyT:
Here's a sample of a big 'crazy quilt block" from the scraps you ended up with at the luncheon. I did use a couple of 2 1/2 inch strips to pull some parts together. No rhyme or reason at all, just slapping material together. If enough people decide to experiment, in a couple of months, I'll collect any big pieces that are finished and somehow put them together into a quilt top.
Friday, January 3, 2025
Sensory Crawl Quilt for Schlow Library - Meeting January 15th
Schlow library has requested us to create 4 panels 20x20 that will be joined together to make a 40x40 "fidget quilt" for 6-15 month-olds. The first meeting will be January 15, from 1-3PM at Pine Hall Lutheran Church (PHL) for those interested in participating. There will be no regular CPQG meeting that day due to the January luncheon. Please come with ideas. Lenore will have pictures of what the current mats look like. We will divide into groups for creation. The goal is to have something to donate by April. If you are unable to attend Jan 15, but wish to participate, please let Lenore know. They won't complain if we make additional panels.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Happy Holidays!
Wishing you all a happy holiday season. Best wishes for health and happiness in the New Year!
Thursday, December 19, 2024
January Meeting - Luncheon at Hoss's
Our January meeting will be our post-holiday luncheon at Hoss's in State College. Meet at 11 AM for food and friends. Bring along your show & tell and your aspirations for the new year! Please RSVP to Lynn Springer by January 10th so they know how many to expect. In case of bad weather, an email will be sent our.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Wednesday Meetings - December & January
There will not be a Wednesday daytime meeting in December due to the proximity of the holidays. In January, we will meet at Hoss's for lunch on Tuesday. If you are interested in assisting with the Sensory Crawl Quilt for Schlow Library, a group will be meeting on January 15th, 1-3 PM at Pine Hall Lutheran Church to get started. Bring your ideas!
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Tuesday Evening Meeting - ZOOM - Members Sharing Current Projects
Our Tuesday evening meeting this month will be a sharing of member projects. Sue Younkin will set up a slide show so we can all see what you've been up to! This meeting will be by ZOOM, with some social time starting at 6:30 and the regular meeting beginning at 7 PM. The link will be emailed in the Sunday Reminders.
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