Wishing you all a happy holiday season. Best wishes for health and happiness in the New Year!
Wishing you all a happy holiday season. Best wishes for health and happiness in the New Year!
Our January meeting will be our post-holiday luncheon at Hoss's in State College. Meet at 11 AM for food and friends. Bring along your show & tell and your aspirations for the new year! Please RSVP to Lynn Springer by January 10th so they know how many to expect. In case of bad weather, an email will be sent our.
There will not be a Wednesday daytime meeting in December due to the proximity of the holidays. In January, we will meet at Hoss's for lunch on Tuesday. If you are interested in assisting with the Sensory Crawl Quilt for Schlow Library, a group will be meeting on January 15th, 1-3 PM at Pine Hall Lutheran Church to get started. Bring your ideas!
Our Tuesday evening meeting this month will be a sharing of member projects. Sue Younkin will set up a slide show so we can all see what you've been up to! This meeting will be by ZOOM, with some social time starting at 6:30 and the regular meeting beginning at 7 PM. The link will be emailed in the Sunday Reminders.
A day to be thankful for what we have and to share with family and friends old and new.
A Happy Thanksgiving to All!
NO UFO Friday November 29 due to Thanksgiving
There will be a change to the Embroidery Club schedule
for the month of December. We will meet on Friday, December 13th, at the
Blue Course Drive Community Church, due to the holidays creeping up on
us. We will meet from 10 am until 2pm. Everyone is welcome to join
us and learn a new or refresh an older skill. If interested they can call
Gail A for information regarding the class at 814-571-7766
Our Wednesday meeting will be at 1 PM at Pine Hall Lutheran Church. Due to a change of plan, we will have a member-led program.
Bring items or photos of items you have made that are quilt-y but not blanket-y. Think placemats, clothes, pin cushions, pillows, postcards, etc, items that don't go on a bed or a lap. Do you have a website with a pattern you've been dying to try? Bring a picture for us to see. Maybe someone will motivate you to try.
And as always, bring your show & tell!
Join us by ZOOM for a presentation by Rhonda Pierce with Schmetz Needles. Sign on at 6:30 to greet fellow members and the meeting will begin at 7 PM.
Rhonda has a live broadcast called SNIPPET at 11 AM Eastern Time. Schmetz Needles She's on FaceBook and Youtube as well.
The Lebanon Quilters Guild Exhibition of Quilts will be at the Lebanon Expo Center, 80 Rocherty Road, Lebanon, PA on November 8 & 9. More than 100 quilts, vendors, raffles, book sale. Admission $10
This meeting date has moved! Instead of our usual 3rd Wednesday of the month, the October meeting is on the 4th Wednesday due to scheduling conflicts at the venue.
Guild member Cynthia Spencer of Stitch Your Art Out will be demonstrating Improv Quilts at the Pine Hall Lutheran Church in State College beginning at 1 PM. Bring your machine and scraps of coordinating fabrics if you want to try this out!
Bring your Toys for Tots donations. DianeG will be there to collect them. And as always, bring your Sew & Tell!
Thank you, thank you to all the donators that made the Fall Comfort Collection a success. We couldn't cover the county with comfort without all your efforts. This could not have been done without you donating supplies, sewing on buttons, pressing items, making pom-poms, designing frankenbacks, sewing franken-batting, creating art with yarn and fabric. Thank you for washing and sizing your covers. It really stream-lined the morning. If you are a "prolific" donor, feel free to ask Lenore for labels.
This week various care homes in the county will be receiving 236 quilts, knitted and crocheted covers and hats, fidget quilts, dignity protectors, and walker bags including 10 small quilts and 10 knitted hats for babies to House of Hope. Out of the Cold is receiving 14 knit hats, and 3 full-bed size quilts for some newly-housed clients. We collected 30 kid-sized quilts for Toys for Tots. The deadline for them is Nov 15 to DianeG. Please make sure they are laundered and sized. It saves a LOT of time.
Thank you to the sorters and labelers: LeslieD, Becky S, IrisM, MargaretM.
Thank you to the drivers for taking our donations to their new homes: JillW, MargaretM, IrisM, BeckyS, KarenP, DianeG, DebbieB, LeslieD, and LindaU
And of course, a huge thank you to LenoreC who keeps us organized, dedicated, and on task making all these covers to cover Centre County with love.
Mark your calendars: next year the dates will be April 1 (not a joke!) and October 7.
BarbZ will be demonstrating Potato Chip Quilts at our regular Tuesday evening meeting (Bet you can't make just one!) Social time starts at 6:30, meeting at 7 PM at Blue Course Community Church. This will be our last in-person evening meeting. We'll be switching to ZOOM for the winter.
Bring your completed Kitty Challenge or the kitty will keep your money! This is the last chance to show your "completed" project and receive your money back.
Bring your Toys for Tots items. DianeG will be there to collect them. And as always, bring your Sew & Tell!
See pictures and find directions on Pinterest.
Comfort Covers will be collecting finished quilts, dignity protectors, and walker bags at St John's UCC Church in Boalsburg on October 1 from 9:30 - Noon during QBs. Time to finish those projects!
Come help make walker bags and fidget quilts at the September QBs sessions on Sept 3, 17, & 24. QBs meets every Tuesday from 9:30 until Noon as a chance to meet and chat and work together at St John's UCC Church in Boalsburg.
We will be meeting at Pine Hall Lutheran Church in State College at 1 pm for our daytime meeting. This month we will be learning to do a Folded Medallion Potholder. If possible, bring your precut fabric to the meeting to learn how to assemble the potholder.
Join us at Blue Course Community Church for our September evening meeting. Social time begins at 6:30, meeting begins at 7 pm. Zak K will be presenting "Lucy Quilt Pattern" by GE Designs and variations thereon. He will be discussing arranging the blocks using a PowerPoint presentation. This is a copyrighted pattern, so members will need to purchase their own copies.
Also, this meeting will be the kick-off of the this year's Challenge Quilt. Come find out what is in store!
Advance notice of prep for our Wednesday daytime meeting in September. PeggyT will be leading us in making this lovely potholder. You will want to cut and fold your squares to get a head start.
You will need:
layer 1: 1 2” sq and 4 3 ½” sq
layer 2: 8 5” sq
layer 3: 8” 5” sq
layer 4A: 4 5” sq and layer 4B: 4 6” sq (4A and B should be
the same fabric.
High contrast works best. Sewing the last layer needs a
very sharp needle.
Bring a first quilt or early quilt to our Wednesday meeting to share. Don't have the quilt? Bring a photo! Meeting is at 1PM at Pine Hall Lutheran Church. Come see where we all started!
BeckyT will be heading up a youth (8-10 years old) sewing class at Schlow Library again this fall. She needs some volunteers to help out on the 4 Sundays. You do not need to be able to do all the days. Dates are Oct 13, 20, 27, and Nov 3. Contact Becky with your availability and clearance status.
: The next Comfort Covers collection date is October 1 at St John's UCC in Boalsburg from 9:30 - 12. Finish up those quilts, walker bags, and dignity protectors (adult bibs) to be ready for the fall!
Join us as we assemble some charity quilt backs from orphan blocks, larges rectangles, and leftovers. We need sewing machines, a few irons and cutting boards, and lots of design ideas that come to you as you see what is on offer. Work alone or in a group. Many hands make light work and the results are always interesting!
Meet at Pine Hill Lutheran Church at 1 PM. Bring your Sew & Tell!
These proposed changes were introduced at the June annual picnic and will be voted on at the July meeting.
By-Law Proposed Changes for Centre Pieces Quilt Guild: June 1, 2024
The By-Laws, as they currently read, are located on the CPQG website and in the back of the Green Book for reference. These proposed changes must be announced to the membership 30 days prior to voting whether to adopt them or not. Vote will be a verbal yes or no at the July 9, 2024 Tuesday evening meeting. Absentee votes are not taken and the changes must pass with 2/3 of the meeting attendance voting yes.
Proposed changes: Article 3: Membership, third paragraph in Section 2 - Dues and Privileges. Reads - “Full payment of dues is expected whenever joining membership from July through March. However dues will be assessed at 50% if joining in April or May.”
Change - The second sentence above will be stricken and instead read “Those considering membership during April and May may attend Guild meetings and defer payment of dues until June. They may participate in the June picnic once their dues are paid for membership.”
Article 3: Membership, Section 3 - Guests Reads - Guests are invited to attend one monthly meeting without payment.”
Change - “Guests are invited to attend two monthly meetings without paying membership dues.”
Article 5: Meeting, Section 3 - Management of Meetings 2 proposed changes in wording Reads - “Prior to a Board or monthly business meeting, an agenda and the immediate past meeting minutes should be presented to the membership by email and posted on the Guild website.” Also… in the next paragraph “A hard copy of the minutes will be available at the monthly business meeting.”
Change - … immediate past meeting minutes should be presented to the membership by posting them on the Guild website.” Also… eliminate having a hard copy of the minutes at the meeting and state “A copy of the past minutes is available on the CPQG website.”
Our Tuesday evening meeting has had a change of programming. The presenter needed to reschedule, so the evening program will be "Winning YouTube Videos" from the voting at the picnic. We will see a Missouri Star quilt tutorial on connecting stars with discussion afterwards and a short video on the difference between liquid spray product (Best Press, Acorn Starch, Terial Magic) which is quite informative.
The meeting is at 6:30 with some social time before a 7 PM meeting start. Location is Blue Course Community Church in State College. Bring your Sew & Tell!
It's not too late to join the fun and get a UFO knocked out. Start now and at the next meeting bring this contract and $5 to make it official.
I, _______________________________, plan to work on the UFO described below this summer. I will bring it to the October 8 evening meeting for Show and Tell. Describe quilt (i.e. color, approx. finished size, what is left to do, pattern name, how long has this quilt been in timeout or been maturing, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Describe goal by the October 8 evening meeting. (i.e. Ready to send to long-armer, quilted/bound, something else, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If I accomplish this goal, I’ll get my $5 back. If I have
not accomplished the work described above, I will forfeit my $5 to the CPQG
Kitty. Any money left in the Kitty at the end of the October 8 EVENING meeting
will go to the CPQG Programming fund.
FINE PRINT: It is acceptable
to Kitty to show your work at the September 18 Daytime meeting to have your fee
Please remember, this is all
for fun. There are no quilt police in CPQG. If you need encouragement or
motivation to get this quilt moving, perhaps this challenge will do it for you.
You may join this challenge anytime, but the end date is fixed. Please leave
this contract and your $5 with Kitty.
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PeggyT presentsLynnS and FranH 2024-25 Presidents' Award |
They are the best of friends, like sisters joined at the hip, making two brains work as one.
From the very beginning (meeting at QBs) this team thoughtfully pitchs in to help others pin quilts or help with whatever was needed.
They are always ready to lend a helping hand when they notice a job needs to be done and have been known to finish duties that others are unable to complete, with no (or little) thought to the inconvenience.
They have a willingness to obtain/purchase, donate, and make supplies and party favors. Remember the cute thread catchers?
They are idea people who make ideas come alive.
They have created and supported programming opportunities for the Guild and have dug deep into their creativity to use our programming budget carefully.
They prepare food supplying foods for those with dietary concerns when they run picnics, luncheons, and anniversaries.
While making our Guild a better place for all of us, these women continue to sew beautiful quilts, share techniques they have learned, and invite quilters to take advantage of opportunities like classes, retreats, and new patterns.
Both like to shop for quilt fabric, find new quilt shops and “show and tell”. If you go with them, be sure your bank account is full because there’s nothing they like better than to spend other people’s quilt money as they encourage stash improvements.
have always supported the Guild board and offered to head committees or take
Board positions
And most importantly, these two ladies are genuinely nice people: positive, upbeat, who bounce back from occasional mishaps with flexibility and a sense of humor.
you, Fran and Lynn, for sharing your talents and love of quilting with us.
Since we traditionally consider the June picnic as a combined day and evening social event, we don't meet on the third Wednesday in June.
This month's Tuesday evening meeting will be a members' only event. We will be having a picnic at Blue Course Community Church starting at 5:30 PM. Bring your dues for the new year, your Challenge Quilt, your Kitty Challenge, and any other show and tell you have.
There will be a display of quilts at St John's United Church of Christ in conjunction with the Boalsburg Memorial Day celebration. Take some time from your visit to the fest to view the many quilts by members of the Centre Pieces Quilt Guild.
Come join us at Pine Hall Church for a class on Cathedral Windows. See prior blog post about materials and prep. Members who took the class at Hoover's will be demonstrating the techniques involved. We meet from 1-3 PM and look forward to seeing you there! Don't forget your Sew & Tell!
The May Tuesday evening meeting will be an opportunity to see some different techniques and ideas:
*Crumb Borders – BeckyT (Need for your Challenge Quilt!)
*Foundation Paper Piecing – ViolaS
*Collage – LeslieD
*Flying Geese/Patch Block - Various techniques – LynnS
Come join us at Blue Course Community Church. Social time starts at 6:30 and the meeting starts at 7 PM. Bring some Sew & Tell - we love to see what you are working on!
Dear Quilters,
Why do you send your check to CPQG every year? How big would the hole in your calendar and
heart be if there was no CPQG? Where
would you get your quilting inspiration and accolades? What would replace your guild?
Have you met new friends at meetings? Have you learned new skills? Have you stretched your abilities at and away from the sewing machine?
So now the big ask:
What can you offer CPQG? Do you
have a favorite pattern (remember JudyR and Hidden Wells? Or BeckyT and her
team with Quartered Stripes and Charms on Point? Or BobbyM and One Block Wonder
Kaleidoscope?, SallyR and 4 to 5?) and so many others? Do you have a collection of antique sewing
tools or quilts or anything of interest to this group?
The Programming Committee works hard to deliver afternoons
and evenings of interest, but they need you. What can you share with your
friends? If you have an idea we’ll help
elaborate and include more people in the presentation. For instance, Leslie has her
great-grandmother’s gold thimble, new in the box (Oh my! were her fingers
tiny.). Who has some cool old scissors,
or a needle case, or just a story about who showed you how great sewing is.
Don’t always be a taker; giving time, talent, and ideas is a
wonderful gift
Still needed… more volunteer teachers (you will receive
all the curriculum materials you need)
to step up to help teach 4 children’s sewing/quilting classes on Sundays
in Oct. and Nov. 20024. Reach out to
BeckyT. for more information. Volunteers
must have both the Criminal Background Check through the PA State Police and
the Child Abuse History Clearance through the PA Department of Child
Welfare. No FBI clearance needed if you
have lived in PA for the past 10 years.
Congratulations to our members who won ribbons for their lovely quilts.
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Fran Hrenko |
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Fran Hrenko |
Other information can be found on the entry form on their webpage.
Quilts do not need a sleeve. We use a skirt hangar system.
You do not need a label but I would suggest at least a piece of paper or fabric with your name on it be pinned on the back. It’s just extra insurance that it gets back to you safe and sound. You will get a receipt for it when you register which will serve as your claim ticket at the end of the show.Dear Quilters,
April is for showers and flowers but it’s also time for you
to nominate someone (yourself or a friend, or both) to take on a few leadership
tasks for the Guild. Over the past
several years we have found it’s much more fun, and significantly easier, to
share this work as a team. Gather a
friend or a not-yet-friend and volunteer to work on the programing committee as
a vice president, take minutes at meetings,
collect membership information for the next edition of the Green Book,
be a Member-at-Large (not a large member but a support person for the Board),
coordinate Toys for Tots collections, or any other job, task, or work you see a
need for. Be a 20%-er who makes the
Guild a delightful, supportive, and joyful quilter’s dream, not part of the
other 80%. Long-time members are
important for continuity, but new members are just as important and welcome and
urged to join in on the leadership fun.
Being on the Board means you are in the know and you get to steer its
direction, not into bridges or aground but into new horizons and techniques.
Go to our website
under Board Business for more information in each position. Let one of the
current Board members know of your interest.
It’s important.
Join us at 1 PM on April 17 for our daytime meeting. Lynn Padgett will be presenting on Ideas to Fabric.
Bring your Sew & Tell and show us what you have been up to!
We are unable to meet at St. John’s on April 23rd due to the room being used for election duties.
We're planning to use that time for a Quilty road trip and lunch. The itinerary is Connie’s, Country Beefers, Traditions, Zimmerman’s and Mary Koval.
Two of these shops are closed on Tuesdays, Connie’s and Mary Koval, however , they may be amenable to a special appointment if we can promise them a certain number for shoppers.
Also, April 16-19 is our QB Spring Retreat so we will not meet at St. John's on Tuesday. All QBs are invited to drop by the retreat at Motel 8 during regular QBs time.
We will be having our first in-person evening meeting of the year on Tuesday. Heather Koontz is going to show us Disappearing Spirals Bargello at the Blue Course Community Church, 1243 Blue Course Drive, State College.
The meeting begins with some social time at 6:30 and regular meeting starting at 7 PM. Be sure to bring along your Sew & Tell as well!
If you want to join in the fun of showing your work done over the last year, let Leslie or a Board member know by Tuesday April 23 at QBs. Deliver it at QBs complete with the registration form and the $2 per quilt entry fee. Registration will take place on Thursday, April 25 from 9AM to noon. Public display will take place April 26-27. We will then bring your treasures home and deliver them back to you on April 30 at QBs. If Tuesdays don't work for you, please make other arrangements with Leslie.
Remember: there are categories for everyone including display only. Bed quilts over 250" will be judged separately from lap sized quilts. Hand quilted, domestic machine and long armed will be judged separately. Even first-time entries will be judged separately.
Tuesday April 2 during QBs we will be making "frankenbatting", or making larger pieces of batting from trimmings. The goal for finished size is about 45x60". We will need about 3-4 people to bring machines and sew the batting together. Also needed will be 3-4 people with mats, rotary cutters, and rulers to make straight edges on the trimmings. Runners would also be helpful. If you prefer to use iron-on tape, bring it, and an iron/board to "sew" together strips.
These battings will be available for use for Toys for Tots, and Comfort Covers quilts. We also have about 8 yards of batting purchased by the guild in 2022, and some poly donated by Kathryn Miller. All will be available during the QB spring retreat in April. You don't need to be a QB member to use the batting.
Any questions, contact Lenore
Tuesday March 19 from 10-12 during QBs time and place will be the spring collection of Comfort Covers. If you have a walker bag, fidget quilt, adult dignity protector or a quilt that you are planning to donate to keeping the county covered, this is the time and place to do it.
We will need two people with irons and mini-boards to iron on labels, 2-3 people to measure quilts (feel free to bring a tape measure), one person to attach labels to the knit/crochet items, several runners to place covers under recipient signage, and drivers to help deliver the items to the care facilities. Address cards with contact name and phone number provided. Deliveries are best made during the upcoming week.
Join us at 1 PM at Pine Hall Lutheran Church in State College for Round Robin of Hands-On Activities. Various members will present tips, tricks, techniques at stations set up so you can move from one to the next to learn something new, or just see how someone else does it!
Join us March 12 via ZOOM for a presentation by Kelly Ashton of Kelly Quilter Designs for a presentation on making a variety of blocks using hexagons without the problem of the "Y-seam." A self-described "Hexamaniac" (an enthusiast for all things hexie-related), Kelly will take the stress out of hexagons!
The meeting will start at 6:30 with some social time, with the regular meeting and presentation scheduled for 7 pm. You can join us from wherever you are! A link is in the newsletter and will be emailed leading up to the meeting.
Friendly February Fidgeters Finished Fidget quilts on Tuesday the 27th at QBs. What a crew we had! Busy machines, creative ideas, Flexing Fingers Finished 7 Fidget quilts, with many others brought home to Finish. We even had a short break for lunch, thanks for DebB and BeckyS catering service. Many, many thanks to LeslieD, Claudia (a new member!) AnnR, BarbZ, MargaretM, FranM, FranH, BeckyS, GayleA, BeckyM, Debbie B, and CindyR.
Did you know you can
buy fidget mats or quilts on Etsy and Amazon for $50-$70? Ideas for your fidget
quilt at https://quiltdom.com/fidget-quilt-ideas/
Pictures soon.
Comfort Covers will be collecting quilts, dignity protectors, and walker bags at QBs Tuesday meeting. Bring you completed and laundered items to St John's UCC in Boalsburg from 9:30 to Noon. Have some fabric in your stash you're not fond of, or don't think you will ever use? Have some old large size button-down shirts no longer needed? Check out the Comfort Covers link above for instructions / patterns for making dignity protectors and walker bags for someone whose mobility isn't what it used to be.
Once again our Guild and Schlow Library are co-offering a beginning sewing/quilting class for 10 children ages 8 to 10. We need at least six instructors to step up from the Guild on the following Sunday afternoons in the fall: October 13, October 20, October 27, and November 3 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Clearances will be needed (no cost). Format will be different from our previous
Schlow class. No teaching experience
needed, and you don’t have to be an award-winning quilter to help out. Contact Becky Trunzo. Hope you will join us in this fun experience.
Check out the olive branches in the white fabric.
Wednesday Feb21 BeckyS and LenoreC delivered the Star of Hope lap
quilt to Brit Shalom for their use. This was a project sparked by Bonnie
Hunter's Quiltville site in response to the October events in Israel. Lenore
and Becky shared blue and white fabrics to ensure a balance of the fabrics were
in both the stars and the alternate blocks. Becky made the borders, back, and
binding. Lenore sewed the finished blocks into the top, and did the quilting.
It was a fun collaboration, and Deena, the president of the synagogue was very
grateful to receive it.
Are you getting fidgety, wanting the snow to go away? I am!
Tuesday, Feb 27 we are having a fidget quilt session at QB's from 10-2. Please bring your machine and basic sewing supplies. Fidget quilts are small, like placemats. I have about 17 backing fabrics and batting available for use, plus all sorts of fidgety things to attach. Ribbons, ruffles, buttons, zippers. Do you have scraps of velvet, corduroy, lame, satin, yarn, nylon net you can bring? The aim is for different textures, and things for fingers to do for sensory stimulation in dementia patients. Even if your sewing room is strictly cottons, come help to assemble these tiny quilts.
February 21 Regular Daytime Gathering Pine Hall
Lutheran 1:00-3:00. – Katherine Miller – How to Prepare a Quilt for your
There will not be a Tuesday evening meeting for January. We will return to Tuesdays via ZOOM in February to learn about batting.
The Wednesday daytime meeting on January 17th will be lunch at Hoss's Steak & Sea House in State College, beginning at 11:30 AM. In addition to lunch and socializing, there will be a kick-off for the 2024 Quilt Challenge: Quilt Builder Workshop. Please RSVP to Lynn Springer by January 13th so we can give a count to Hoss's. Bring your show & tell - we love to see what everyone has done!