Your children, grands, and other giftees will appreciate the label.
Your children, grands, and other giftees will appreciate the label.
Raffle tickets for the winner were drawn on Oct 13 zt Blue Spring Park in Boalsburg at 11:30. Congratulations to Jane Brown, winner of this beautiful quilt. Many thanks to Patricia Jackson for leading us through the vagarities of raffling through COVID-19. Our education fund is now several hundred dollars richer because of her efforts. Specifics to follow in a newsletter.
From Claire--
In late October I plan to send
out as many Ditty Bags as I can to Operation Shoebox in Florida. Betty Knouse has made a bunch, and I look
forward to receiving more to send. The
pattern for the ditty bag is on the Guild website. Also, many thanks to all that have also given
me the "hotel" toiletries - will gladly accept more.
If you are able to make more
ditty bags, you can leave items on my front porch (see membership book) -- brick ranch house
If not, please just email me (or call) and I'll
arrange to pick any bags or toiletries to send in October.
Thank you so much for thinking of
our service men and women.
Recently, the Sisters OutdoorQuilt Show held their annual show virtually. One of the collections shown was a guild challenge where members were asked to create a “My Town” quilt. When you think of “My Town”, what comes to mind? My town can be somewhere in the Centre region. But it can also be reminiscent of:
-where you grew up
-where you went to college
-where you worked your first job
-your favorite vacation spot
-where you lived when you got married
-the town where your grandparents lived when you visited them at Thanksgiving or in the summer
-the town where your children were born
The list could go on and on. So again, where does your imagination go when you think of “My Town”?
For this challenge there are no requirements other than your piece must have a label on the back (or inside) that references the challenge, what town or area you picked, and why you chose the town or area. Your quilt or quilted item can be pieced or appliquéd, traditional or modern, realistic or abstract, embellished or not!
Hopefully we’ll have a June picnic in 2021 where your creations will be revealed.
REMINDER Only a few more DAYS to support our quilt raffle. I am available to pick up your ticket stubs If you have not returned them yet, to be added to the drawing jar for the October 13th drawing. I need a couple of volunteers to meet on October 13th to witness the drawing of the lucky winner. Please send me an email, or call 814-883-5830 to let me know if you are interested and your best time to meet. To those that have NOT purchased a book or two yet tickets are still available just send your check to Centre Pieces PO Box and I will deliver.
Thanks much to those that have purchased already for your generous support.