You will need 24, 5 inch squares for the base of the tablerunner. Medium and dark colors work best because you will need contrast between the background squares and the “windows”.
You will need 32 light colored 5 inch squares for the windows. Each square needs to be folded and pressed on the diagonal.
Finally, you will need 8 focus squares, also 5 inch, they will be surrounded by the light colored windows. These squares should provide some contrast to both the background squares and the light colored folded squares.
Additionally you will need a piece of batting and backing. Each of those should measure about 30”x22”. You will be quilting this project as you construct it.
You will also need a sewing machine, thread and basic sewing supplies. Extension cords would probably be helpful.
Joyce Hughes
– Register for April 13 Workshop!
the lecture by award winning thread painting artist Joyce Hughes’ at the
regular evening meeting on April 12, there will be a full day workshop with her
to be held at the State College Alliance Church, located at 1221 W. Whitehall
Road in State College.
The workshop
is called “Techniques, Techniques and More Techniques.” From her website,
“Eight techniques will be covered and applied to a beautiful panel. You will
learn step by step basic instructions for:
- 1) Free Motion Quilting
- 2) Dimensional Thread Painting
- 3) Trapunto
- 4) Application of Multiple Overlays
- 5) Various 3D Layering
- 6) Bobbin Work
- 7) Blocking and Squaring a Quilt
- 8) Applying Crystals
You will see
the effects of various techniques and supplies, and how they can create added
interest of texture and dimension to a piece of Art!” Everyone in the workshop
will be working on the same panel.
The workshop
will begin at 9:30 (set up at 9:00), ending at 4:00, with a 30-minute lunch break. Bring a lunch or order from Bagel Crust on Westerly Parkway.
A supply
list will be provided after your registration and payment is received. In
addition to a basic sewing kit, you will bring a sewing machine that must be
able to do free motion quilting and work with a zig zag stitch.
The cost of the workshop to members is $25 for the required kit. The Guild is paying the location and speaker's fees. An optional thread kit for $40 will be available for purchase that will have all of the threads for the top and bobbins.
is limited to 20 participants. Please
register early, as we will open registration to non-members of the CPQG on
March 21. The cost to nonmembers will be $100.
Please send
your check to: (Members $25 + $40 optional) (Nonmembers $60 +$40)
Centre Pieces Quilt Guild, ATTN: Treasurer
PO Box 95
Boalsburg, PA 16827
September 2021 Day Meeting handout and notes Quartered Stripes
April 2021 Sewing Room Organization Powerpoint which accompanied our / Zoom Meeting.
Ready Set Sew Ditty Bag workshop
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2019
Time: 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
Where: Transfer Station (past the Nittany Mall)
We'll be sewing as many bags as we can to make a shipment to Operation Shoebox in early October.
Light lunch provided -- bring your favorite beverage -- coffee will be provided
Sewing machines will be available for anyone not wanting to tote her machine (Singer Featherweight and Singer 301)
Instructions here.
Questions or to reserve a machine contact Claire Amick.
Toys for Tots doll quilt workshop
Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Time: 9:30 a.m. till noon
Where: St. John UCC Boalsburg
Donations of large yardage materials 28” square, 40 “ square and 40” x 64” are needed (no scraps please). We will be using this donated material to make kits that will include batting for the workshop. Donations may be given to Jill Wisniewski or Debbie Barrick any Tuesday at QBs or give us a call and we’d be glad to pick up your donation.