Sunday, December 18, 2022

Happy Holidays

 Wishing all of you a Merry Holidays and Happy New Year!  In this season of lights, take some time to enjoy all the decorated homes in your community.  The days will start getting longer soon...

Sunday, December 11, 2022

No Wednesday Daytime Meeting in December

 We will not be having a Wednesday daytime meeting this month.  Take time to finish all your holiday projects (or start one for next year....) 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

December Program - Sue Reno “A Sense of Place. Fiber art and inspiration”

 December 13 Zoom Social 6:30; 40th Memories 7:00; Program Sue Reno “A Sense of Place. Fiber art and inspiration”. Sue works with natural, environmental, architectural themes. She uses a variety of printmaking techniques in her textile work. Her art has been juried in numerous national and international exhibits. Follow her on Facebook at suerenostudio.  

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Youth sewing classes

First class (pilot) in February on Sunday 1:-4:00 at Schlow Library for 4th through 8th graders. Scraps & Skeins and Hoover’s have donated machines for this class. We are looking for some extra hands to mentor young sewists. Also, we need members during January’s QBs sessions who can cut fabric for the program. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Wednesday Daytime Meeting - November 16 - Redbud Guild "Light Challenge"

Location:  State College YMCA, 1 PM

Redbud will bring the Light Challenge quilts for us to vote on.  Light – the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible ….illumination…ignite…brightness…bright…sunny....shining…luminescence…. Make something start burning… a source of light… not heavy. 

President Janet Dunlap will tell us a little bit about how they got involved with this challenge and show quilts they made and hear a little bit about the creative process in making the quilts.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Special Field Trip to Redbud Guild - November 14

November 14 Monday at 6 pm  in Huntington, we are welcome to attend the Redbud guild meeting. This is a reveal of the 31 quilts contributed by 5 different guilds in their challenge called “light “. These are all 24 inch pieces. Voting is done as your personal preference. The quilt judge who organized this challenge is Phyllis Manley. We have been invited to cast a vote as well. at the Huntingdon County Career and Technology School in Mill Creek.  The address is 11893 Technology Dr, Mill Creek, PA 17060. If you can travel with us please let Leslie or Fran know so we can set up carpools. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Tuesday Meeting - ZOOM - Our Trip to the South Seas

 November 8 Zoom Social 6:30; brief business Meeting 7:00; lecture 7:10 Dana Jones program "Pagtinabangay: The Quilts and Quiltmakers of Caohagan Island."  This is a 13-acre island in the central Philippines. Sales of their one-of-a-kind quilts provide one third of the island's income.  No Show and Tell this month. The link will be sent with the meeting agenda on Sunday.

Monday, October 31, 2022

 November 1 Practice Zoom to be sure we all remember our passwords and how to find us.  This is a social and play event with no presentation at 7:00 until 8:30. Stay for a short time, or longer if you want. See your newsletter for the Zoom link.

Sunday, October 30, 2022



Call for location suggestions for 40th Anniversary Celebration

Do you have any suggestions as to where the celebration for the 40th Anniversary might be held?

Date of celebration: Tuesday, June 13, 2023. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. (exact times subject to change)

There are several things that need to be taken into consideration.

·        Large enough to have a significant display of the challenge quilts as well as quilts from the 1980s and other memorabilia.

·        Tables for food set up as well as dining at. We would like to think we would have between 40 and 50 participants.

·        Easy accessibility. We would like to invite our founding members.

·        Adequate parking.

·        Reasonable cost.

All suggestions are welcome along with contact information. Please email Suzanne Kerlin 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

UFO Fridays

 UFO Fridays 10:00-noon. Blue Course Community Church (formerly Evangelical Free Church) off Blue Course Dr. Come to sew or chat, knit or cut, sew by machine or hand. This is a small group of physically distanced friendlies.

Every Friday except Thanksgiving (Black Friday) and Dec 23 and 30.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

3rd Wednesday gathering with Redbud as our guests (October 19)

 October 19 Joint meeting with Redbud (Huntingdon) Guild and special field trip to Scraps and Skeins which will open at 11:45 for an hour of special shopping before our meeting. 

Program: Susan DeMetrick on embellishing your quilts. Remember her fabulous flower basket quilt from last month? Learn how do so those 3D flowers. 

Please bring examples of your quilt embellishments to share. You do not have to attend the Scraps & Skeins field trip to join us at the regular 1:00 meeting.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Comfort Covers and CPQG

 Comfort Covers is an organization that was started 23 years ago. Over the almost quarter of a century, Comfort Covers has distributed about 15,000 covers to north central Pennsylvania. They are called covers because quilts, knit and crocheted afghans, fleece blankets, flannel receiving blankets, and more are welcomed. The mission was to give every child in hospital a quilt or cover to take home and to give every quilt and blanket maker a place to send their covers. That’s still a mission we can identify with. 

Mary Watson has been the leader, but she is ready to retire. CPQG has been asked to take over collecting and distributing the covers. There is a robust system in place to deliver quilts and blankets to Lewistown Hospital, Penn Highlands in Huntingdon, Miners’ Hospital in Hastings, The Meadows in Centre Hall, and several other places.

We will be discussing the future of Comfort Covers at our October evening meeting.

UFO Friday cancelled for Oct 14

 Due to unforeseen circumstances, we must cancel this week's sewing at the Blue Course Church.  We hope to see you next week.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

2nd Tuesday Evening Meeting (October 11)

October 11 in Person at YMCA; 
Social 6:30; 
40th Memories and Business meeting 7:00; 
Program 7:20 --Thread Painting with Cindy Alley . Last year we had Joyce Hughes scheduled to give a lecture and workshop, but she had to cancel due to health concerns. Cindy has taken her class and will give an overview of the techniques and skills she learned.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Board Meeting October 7

 Board Meeting We call it a Board Meeting, but all members are invited. We especially invite committee leads to join us whenever they can. Next meeting is October 7 at 10:00 at Blue Course Community Church

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Bellwood Quilting Bees Show

The Bellwood Quilting Bees is pleased to announce the date for their annual quilt show. The event will be held from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 1, in the annex of Hillside Community Church in Bellwood. Admission is free.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Wednesday Daytime Meeting - September 21 - State College YMCA

Come join us for our informal, weekday, daytime meeting (no driving in the dark!).  This month all are invited to share ONE particular item:- Technique, Tool or Trick. Share something interesting you have learned along this quilting path.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

UFO Fridays - Restarting on September 16

 Join us every Friday from 10 AM to Noon for UFO Fridays at Blue Course Community Church (formerly known as Evangelical Free Church) at 1243 Blue Course Drive in State College. Come to sew or chat, knit or cut, machine or hand work. This is a small group of physically distanced friendlies.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Tuesday Evening Meeting - September 13

In Person at the State College YMCA

6:30-7:00-Social; 7:00- Business meeting; 7:15 - Program

This will be our 40th Celebration kick-off and Annual Quilt Challenge led by Barb Zeger. 

On Sept. 18, 1983, a small group of people gathered and the Centre Pieces Quilt Guild was born! This year we will be celebrating our 40th Jubilee. Join us throughout the year as we find ways to commemorate our beginnings, and plan on joining us for our June mega-celebration.

We want to see your challenge quilt!  We started with a Dresden Plate and added and added and added....  Remember: it is your quilt so how much or how little you do, what colors, what size, is all up to you. Table topper or king size, all work. Finished, almost finished, candidate for next year’s UFO challenge, and even your pile of fabric: we want to see how you think.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Barn Quilt Workshop - Saturday, September 17

 Last Chance to Register for the Barn Quilt Workshop.  Contact Fran Hrenko Six 1 Four - 5577 using 717 area code to.  (Just trying to keep the bots out...) 

 The workshop is at the Baileyville Community Center, 284 Diebler Road, Pennsylvania Furnace from 9 - 4 PM.  The $5 facility fee was paid at pre-registration, $60 course fee is due at the door for a 2' x 2' board.  If you would like to do a 4' x 4' board the fee is $150, and an 8' x 8' board is $350, please contact Fran in advance to discuss your project. A pre-primed board and all materials (paint & brushes) will be provided. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Quilting Bees - Tuesday Mornings 9:30 - Noon - St John's Church, Boalsburg

 QB's is an informal sit & stitch, an opportunity to meet and socialize.  Bring some handwork (quilting, knitting, etc) and enjoy the company of other quilters.  There are tables if you need space to lay out and baste a quilt (don't forget your pins!).  This group meets every Tuesday morning, come when you are able.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Destash Sale at Our Lady of Victory - August 26-27

 Several members are setting up tables next weekend at Our Lady of Victory for their yard sale as an opportunity to reduce their stashes (so they can buy more fabric...)  Come and see what is for sale on Friday, 9-2 and Saturday 9-1.  Our Lady of Victory Activities Center, 820 Westerly Parkway, State College.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Wednesday Daytime Meeting - August 17 - 1 PM - State College YMCA

 This month's Wednesday meeting will be about transferring art to fabric and designing quilts.  Learn how to get those pictures out of a drawer and onto a quilt.  Bring examples of your work and your experiences.  This is a more informal meeting for sharing techniques and ideas and an opportunity to ask questions.  We meet at the YMCA the third Wednesday each month.  Guests and new members are always welcome.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Tuesday Evening Meeting - August 9 - 6:30 at State College YMCA

 This month's meeting will be showcasing our members quilts.  Bring your UFO challenge finished to whatever degree you agreed and get your $5 back.  Bring any or all of the following to share (either the quilt or a photo of it):            

            Your first quilt 

            The quilt you learned the most from

            Your favorite quilt

            The ugliest quilt you made

Pictures and the stories of the quilts are important.

The meeting is held at the State College YMCA with social starting at 6:30, business meeting at 7, and program at 7:15.  Guests and new members are always welcome.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Special Workshop - Barn Quilts - September 17

 There will be a special workshop to make Barn Quilts on September 17, 2022.  Painted on wood with exterior paints, these colorful quilts adorn the sides of barns & garages and also porches, gable ends, and any other structure on your property!  Choose your pattern and pick you colors and sign up beginning at our August evening meeting!

Here is one Julie Rohleder made for the garage at her bed & breakfast in Vermont.  It is 2 foot square.  The pattern is from an antique quilt made by Sarah Fitch in Connecticut who was a cousin to the man who built the house that became the Fitch Hill Inn in Hyde Park, VT.  The replica quilt hangs in the stairwell of what is now a private home.



Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Destash Sale at Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church, August 26-7

    Our Lady of Victory Catholic Daughters has scheduled a sale at the OLV Activities Center for August 26-27. (9-2 Friday/9-1 Saturday are the hours). They will "rent" out tables to our members for this sale. The fees are $15.00 for one day and $20.00 for two days for an 8' table space. They will advertise it as a yard sale, but of course, any advertising sellers can do among sewing friends is recommended.
     Seller gets all money after paying table rent. Guild gets nothing and takes no responsibility for anything.
    Full payment is required. Checks made payable to CDA . Contact Pat Hubler 8l4-466-87l2 to reserve your table .
    Seller is responsible for setting up and taking down according to OLV rules and restrictions. Setup is allowed on Thursday, August 25, time to be announced. Tear down cannot begin before 1:00 p.m. on Saturday (unless special permission is given by Pat Hubler).
    Seller is responsible for setting prices and collecting money. All yardage should be marked with amount and price (a la Scraps & Skeins). Quilts, kits, fabric yardage, pre-cuts, and scraps, and sewing notions may be sold. Seller may split table with friends and may sell for friends.

Have nothing to sell?  Come pick up a few new items!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday Daytime Meeting - July 20, 2022, 1 - 3 PM

 The Wednesday meetings are continuing at the State College YMCA, 677 W Whitehall Rd.  This week we will be looking at quilts made from clothing and other unusual fabric.  Bring your examples, whether made from a pattern or made from an old quilt.  Your project could be our inspiration!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Tuesday Evening Meeting - July 12, 2022, 6:30 Social, 7 PM Meeting

 We are meeting at the State College YMCA, 677 W Whitehall Rd, for our evening meetings starting with this July meeting.  This meeting will be a round robin of quilting techniques presented by our members.  Come learn something new, have an opportunity to ask questions, and maybe figure out how to do those mitered corners on the binding.  Also, bring your Sew & Tell!  We all like to see what everyone else has been up to.  Dues are due - bring cash or check for $35.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

New Guild Board Members

 After our annual elections at the picnic on June 14 we can announce leadership for 2022-2023.

    Co-Presidents Leslie Demmert and Becky Trunzo
    Co-Vice Presidents Fran Hrenko and Sally Ripka
    Secretary Lenore Clarke
    Treasurer Carrie Fala

We always have room for new committee leads and people who want to help in any way.  Contact one of these ladies to volunteer your skills and talents.  

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Congratulations to our newest Renaissance Members

 Judy Ray and Barb Zeger were awarded lifetime memberships in our Guild for their diverse service over many years.  They encourage the passion for quilting and help foster goodwill among the quilting community at large.  They served as co-presidents, have led many workshops, and have offered their talents to further the mission of the Guild.  Judy was newsletter editor when not all of us had email addresses so she had to print and snail-mail copies.  She was also website manager when that was HTML and FTP enabled.  Barb has chaired several Challenge programs and led our last quilt exhibition.  

Thank you, ladies, for your service to our community.

Monday, June 13, 2022

UFO Challenge Contract

 If you need some extra motivation to get to your UFO pile, we have just the thing. Bring your UFO or a picture of your UFO, or just the contract and $5 to the June picnic.  Finish the UFO to the degree you have stated as your goal on the contract and you can have your $5 back. If it's still a UFO at the August meeting, the Guild Kitty keeps your $5 for future fun and games.  Contract. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Wednesday, June 15 Meeting - 1 PM State College YMCA

    Sally Ripka will teach us a table runner from triangles. See attached for directions on how to start.
Please bring the strip sets to the gathering. We will cut them together. Judy Ray will be our hostess for this meeting.