Sunday, April 28, 2024

Fall Schlow Library Sewing Class for Children


Still needed… more volunteer teachers (you will receive all the curriculum materials you need)  to step up to help teach 4 children’s sewing/quilting classes on Sundays in Oct. and Nov. 20024.  Reach out to BeckyT. for more information.  Volunteers must have both the Criminal Background Check through the PA State Police and the Child Abuse History Clearance through the PA Department of Child Welfare.  No FBI clearance needed if you have lived in PA for the past 10 years.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Red Bud Quilt Guild (Huntingdon) Show results

 Congratulations to our members who won ribbons for their lovely quilts.

Iris Mittendorf

Becky Trunzo

Sue Younkin

Fran Hrenko

Fran Hrenko

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Some rules for your entries to the Huntingdon Quilt Show

Other information can be found on the entry form on their webpage.

 Quilts do not need a sleeve. We use a skirt hangar system.

You do not need a label but I would suggest at least a piece of paper or fabric with your name on it be pinned on the back.  It’s just extra insurance that it gets back to you safe and sound. You will get a receipt for it when you register which will serve as your claim ticket at the end of the show.

Quilts should be made within the last year and you can only enter one quilt per category. A $2 registration fee per quilt is asked. Registration is 9-noon Thursday, April 25 at the Huntingdon Community Center, 310 5th St, Huntingdon

Sunday, April 21, 2024

It’s important.

 Dear Quilters,

April is for showers and flowers but it’s also time for you to nominate someone (yourself or a friend, or both) to take on a few leadership tasks for the Guild.  Over the past several years we have found it’s much more fun, and significantly easier, to share this work as a team.  Gather a friend or a not-yet-friend and volunteer to work on the programing committee as a vice president, take minutes at meetings,  collect membership information for the next edition of the Green Book, be a Member-at-Large (not a large member but a support person for the Board), coordinate Toys for Tots collections, or any other job, task, or work you see a need for.  Be a 20%-er who makes the Guild a delightful, supportive, and joyful quilter’s dream, not part of the other 80%.  Long-time members are important for continuity, but new members are just as important and welcome and urged to join in on the leadership fun.  Being on the Board means you are in the know and you get to steer its direction, not into bridges or aground but into new horizons and techniques.

Go to our website under Board Business for more information in each position. Let one of the current Board members know of your interest.

It’s important.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Wednesday Daytime Meeting - April 17 - Pine Hall Lutheran Church

 Join us at 1 PM on April 17 for our daytime meeting.  Lynn Padgett will be presenting on Ideas to Fabric.  

Bring your Sew & Tell and show us what you have been up to!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Two QBs changes

We are unable to meet at St. John’s on April 23rd due to the room being used for election duties.

We're planning to use that time for a Quilty road trip and lunch.  The itinerary is Connie’s, Country Beefers, Traditions, Zimmerman’s and Mary Koval.

Two of these shops are closed on Tuesdays, Connie’s and Mary Koval, however , they may be amenable to a special appointment if we can promise them a certain number for shoppers.

 We need both shoppers and drivers. This will be an all day trip from approximately 9am until late afternoon.  We need time to arrange the logistics so please let BarbaraZ know as soon as possible if you are interested in either shopping, driving or both.

Also, April 16-19 is our QB Spring Retreat so we will not meet at St. John's on Tuesday.  All QBs are invited to drop by the retreat at Motel 8 during regular QBs time.  

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Tuesday Evening Meeting - April 9 - Blue Course Community Church

 We will be having our first in-person evening meeting of the year on Tuesday. Heather Koontz is going to show us Disappearing Spirals Bargello at the Blue Course Community Church, 1243 Blue Course Drive, State College.  

The meeting begins with some social time at 6:30 and regular meeting starting at 7 PM.  Be sure to bring along your Sew & Tell as well!

Carpooling Quilts to Redbud Show

 If you want to join in the fun of showing your work done over the last year, let Leslie or a Board member know by Tuesday April 23 at QBs. Deliver it at QBs complete with the registration form and the $2 per quilt entry fee.  Registration will take place on Thursday, April 25 from 9AM to noon.  Public display will take place April 26-27.  We will then bring your treasures home and deliver them back to you on April 30 at QBs.  If Tuesdays don't work for you, please make other arrangements with Leslie.

Remember: there are categories for everyone including display only.  Bed quilts over 250" will be judged separately from lap sized quilts.  Hand quilted, domestic machine and long armed will be judged separately.  Even first-time entries will be judged separately.  

Monday, April 1, 2024